Vale Gymnastics Award scheme involves gymnasts working towards specific skills for which, once completed, they achieve an award badge.

Gymnastics is a very varied sport combining strength, balance, flexibility, and acrobatic ability. Each gymnast will have their strengths and weaknesses and will find certain skills easier than others. Gymnasts will work towards approximately 9 skill badges a year, but this does not mean that they will achieve all of them. If a gymnast in unable to complete a certain skill and do not earn their badge, it won’t change anything. They will remain in the same class and groups are not separated on who has achieved which badge. We will continue to encourage the gymnasts to learn the skill and once they do finally achieve the skill and receive their badge, we are hoping that this will underpin our philosophy of repetition and hard work and will really mean something to each gymnast.

The Vale Gymnastics Award scheme is for gymnasts in the following classes – Koalas, level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 2/3 (Nursery to year 6). Each month we will have a skill focus for each age group and these skill focuses will shape much of the session plans for each month. This means that most lessons will have a station in which gymnasts are able to complete their skill challenge to enable gymnasts as much opportunity as possible, even if a lesson is missed. The lesson will also be designed to accommodate those that complete the skill in the first week so they will be able to try a harder version of the skill. For those that are unable to achieve the skill there will be occasions that they will be able to achieve an alternative skill and there will always be opportunities to revisit that skill in the future. At the end of the month an email will be sent out to all gymnasts that have achieved their skill and a skill badge will be awarded to those gymnasts during the next lesson. The Award scheme has been designed to be flexible and adaptable, enabling us to add new badges to make certain skills harder or easier depending on ability.

Watch our videos below to see a demonstration of each skill!!

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